Creating a stellar credit score is challenging, but with Altro, it might be simpler! With Altro, you can easily build credit by making recurring payments for your subscriptions as the first payment. You can quickly link recurring payments to take advantage of uncovered and unreported payments to raise your credit score. Altro also advises you against making the best financial moves and helps you keep track of your FICO score. With Altro, every payment counts.
Backed by YC, Altro is an application where you can build your credit score by connecting your bank account with your subscription card provided by Altro. Altro handles your subscriptions, and you can allow auto-pay through the application Altro. A seamless application was to be created to allow customers to manage recurring payments through an application and set up auto-pay.
Easy-to-navigate application
Set up auto-pay
Link with Altros subscription card
Helped Altro work on front-end development, also allowing for a seamless application for users to use it effectively.