A fan of freestyle bike riding? Check out Stuntbike Freestyle, which solely focuses on stunt riding! Riders can imagine themselves stunt riding a motorbike during this 3D game and make full use of all technical aspects needed to make it seem as real as possible as if they were actually on the bike!
The client wanted an intuitive application that’d help riders play a stunt bike game online. To ensure that the user experience is the best it can be, wheelie tricks, custom bikes, and custom builds of the bikes were incorporated to make the user experience as seamless and realistic as possible. A stuntbike must help its user understand the technical aspects of stunt riding while supplying them with hundreds of parts to choose from.
Create a bike game
Seamless User-experience
Intuitive UI
We created a bike game that allows users to experience what stunt riding must feel like, allowing them to learn tricks safely before attempting them on the road. The game has garnered interest among motorcycle enthusiasts and has helped them learn many tricks online.